About Us

We’re glad you have been interested enough to visit our church today. Our aim in all that we do is to bring glory to God. Please take your time to get to know us, as it is our sincere desire to greet you warmly and help you feel at home. We won’t pressure or judge you. We wouldn’t want someone to do that to us, so we won’t do it to you.


If you have any questions, or want to know more about us, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We run a number of small-group prayer meetings and care groups throughout the week and early Saturday morning, we also conduct and are planning spiritual growth and life-style development programs that anyone may attend, such as:


Healthy Family Foods

(Presentations, demonstrations & food samples)

Life Skills (eg Stress management)

(Free Seminars)

The Last Empire

(DVD’s and studies available)

Mainly Music – 9.30 – 11am Thursday

Birth to school age.  Morning tea provided $5/family

Holack St Community Hall

See our bulletin for further details or ask someone.